Doctors Without Borders

The visual identity of doctors without borders is a tool that will help us identify and seek consistency in different applications, formats, and media.

Animació de video del logotip de Medicos Sin Fronteras. Disseny realizar per Mersi Studio.

The original and characteristic color palette of the brand has been maintained, but with a new visual identity where the dry wood typography predominates with clear messages and a close tone. What is sought is to transmit positive and forceful messages where the user feels part of the project and part of the solution.

Branding de Medicos Sin Fronteras realizada per Mersi Studio. Branding en Vermell i negre. Sin vosotros no hay futuro, te  necesitamos para seguir adelante.
Tarjetas de visita de Medicos Sin Fronteras dissenyat per Mersi Studio. Tarjetas de visita sostenibles i reciclades de color blanc i vermell.
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